If you want to buy an old house, it's good to read some tips that can be found below: 

1. Try to buy a house from the owner himself. How to buy a second home it is best to directly from the owner himself / without an intermediary, because there you can obtain detailed information about the house which I bought. In addition to direct purchase, the price will be cheaper because the sellers do not need to give commission to the broker / intermediary. 

2. Choose a broker / intermediary the right. If you are forced to buy a house through a service broker / intermediary, then select the broker that you know / can you believe. Another alternative is to ask for references from your property broker / your relations. If not, you should use a well-known brokerage services porperty who already have good credibility, which will be very helpful when buying and selling document processing, even the time of filing the mortgage if you plan on buying a house in installments to the bank. 

3. Ask the age of house building. Simply put you can classify the age of house building that is: new (less than 10 years), medium (10 to 20 years) and old (more than 20 years). If you've done renovations, ask when the last time renovation. Surely this is not a standard benchmark, because it would be highly influenced by the quality of building materials, structure type and quality of workmanship that is used in the house. Clearly, the older the age of the building then his performance declined, and then you have to prepare budgeted funds to renovate the house. 

4. Check the physical condition of the house. Check in detail the physical condition of the house on each of its parts, if necessary, create a check list for easy inspection. It would be better if you ask the contractor to assess the current condition of the house. Some things you should consider include:
- The condition of the structure of the house, check there may be cracks in the foundation, walls, columns and beams
- Inspect the walls, perhaps there are spots ex-ffects of groundwater seepage
- Check the quality of the floor, what was good or had experienced a fall of the cracked floor
- Check there are perhaps traces of termite attack on the sills, windows, doors, ceilings and roofs.
- Ensure that the roof structure is still in good condition, take a look maybe there is beam / gording a porous, or serious leaks in gutters
- Do not forget to also check the condition of PLN electricity network at home, still good or is untidy
- Is the water quality is still decent, and also check what the water network is still in good condition
- Feel the condition of the rooms, whether fresh, moist or even feel hot? 

5. Check around the home environment. Get information about environmental conditions around the home, especially if the house you want to live with family. Do not let you disappointed because it turns out the location of the house is difficult to access, prone to security, away from educational facilities or even was often swamped! 

6. Check completeness of documents home. Check authenticity certificate home, certificate of Building Permits, Building and Land Tax proof then do a cross check on all documents. If it turns out the name on there is not the same as the name of the seller's house, ask your relationship status. If he has not done the Behind the Name, ask for a valid Deed of Sale and Purchase of the house. For the status of the estate house, ask how many legitimate heir. This point is very important to you, in order to avoid unwanted legal problems in the future. 

7. Check prices. Find out as much information as possible about the market price of land and houses in the vicinity of the location of the house, so you can make an offer within a reasonable price range. Especially if you plan to buy the house and then sell it again.

Well, hopefully some of the above tips can be useful for you. Congratulations to buy a house!

source: www.birobangunan.com